Kathy Herrmann

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The Makings of a Great Business Intelligence Analyst

My gal pal and I got into a deep discussion on aptitudes the other day. According to smarty pants Johnson O'Connor folks,

Aptitudes are natural talents, special abilities for doing, or learning to do, certain kinds of things. Manual dexterity, musical ability, spatial visualization, and memory for numbers are examples of such aptitudes. 

Anyhoo, Gal Pal wondered what makes for a great BI analyst. And being me, I couldn't resist making a slide preso 'cause I thought other penetrating minds would want to know too.

The slide preso is after the jump...


The Makings of a Great Business Intelligence Analyst from Kathy Herrmann

If you want to know more about aptitudes, check out Johnson O’Connor. These folks are the go-to experts on aptitudes and aptitude testing. I love ‘em!